Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How do you transition a snail to a new tank with a warmer temp.?

I have a little snail with my goldfish and I want him to be with my betta, but my betta has a warmer tank. Do I just plop him in, or let him float around a while, or what??|||i moved a red ramshorn snail from an unheated tank to a heated tank and i just tossed him in ... he is alive and well with my betta who ignores him ... having a snail in the tank is a good idea and it can be an indicator of poor water quality if the snail dies ... i use a snail in every fry tank i have for this purpose because the fry tanks are only 1 and 2 litres of water ...|||Depends what type of snail it is, and if it can handle that heat. It is different for all snails.

Do NOT just plop him in.

Also, some bettas are known for killing and eating snails, so be careful about that ,and reconsider it.

If you find that it is okay, place your snail in a bag with its original water, and place it into the new tank for a few hours, letting the temperature even out. Then release your snail and check your betta for signs of aggression.

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