Thursday, November 24, 2011

What species of pet fish can safely share a tank with an apple snail?

I recently acquired an apple snail, and I figure that I also get him a fish 'tankmate' to keep the small ecosystem they live in circulating. The tank is relatively small and should fit my snail and one fish comfortably. Any suggestions?|||we need the tank size, other than that, if its big enough then i recommend a cory cat, or a few if theyll fit happily|||Bettas are the most common.The ones I'm recommendation have been aquarium tested: Rosy Barbs,Rainbow fish, Mollies, Platys, and Guppies, Dwarf cory Catfish, and most people have good luck with Apple snails and Albino Corys.Other individuals may have had luck with a particular fish, so i listed the ones that Aquarium forums agree upon. Badmannn's Tropical Fish says any small non-aggressive, non-snail eating fish. Obviously in small tank you can only pick a few.

Bad Fish for tank mates: angelfish, loaches, goldfish, puffers and swordtails.|||How big is this tank? The smaller the tank the less fish stocking options you will have, and some tanks (1-2gallons) as really just too small full stop for fish.|||GOLDFISH! :D

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