Saturday, November 19, 2011

How long did it take the snail to travel?

A group of snails had been living happily for many years at the bottom of a twenty-foot well when it suddenly ran dry. Most of the snails lay down to die, but one industrious fellow decided to go elsewhere. The next dawn he began to climb to the top of the well at the prodigious rate of three inches per hour for each of the twelve daylight hours. Each night, however, he slipped back at the rate of two inches per hour. How long did it take this enterprising snail to escape from the well?|||i dont know what 20 foot is.

But 3 inches per hour per 12 hours a day = 36 inches a twelve daylight day?

2 iches per hour per 12 hours a day = 24 inches a twelve hour night.

36-24 = 12 inches a day.

So 12 inches * ...... days = 20 foot?|||20 ft = 12*20 = 240in

in per day.

(3*12 -2*12) = 12in per day

nights = 240/12 = 20 day

However since on the 19th day the snail would have it to the top and not slipped back. Therefore the ans is 19days.

18*12 = 216.

240 - 216 = 24.

On night 19, 24/3 = 8. So would have made it at the 8th hr after sunrise (~2pm on day 19)

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