Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who can give me some tips about raising a pet freshwater apple snail?

I have the snail in a small aquarium and was wondering what you suggest in terms of food, water changes, decor, temperature, etc. There are no fish, just one snail. If you really know your snails, let me hear your ideas.|||K here are some tips

They Will mix with virtually any other non-predator aquatic animal. Do not keep with Loaches or Puffer Fish and other invert eaters as they will attack and possibly kill the snails.

And feeding them. They Eat par-boiled vegetables, likes peeled grapes, will eat a little algae. This snail will generally not eat live plants. Do not be shocked if you see this snail eating a recently dead creature, they are opportunists.

Also here are some more tips

* Apple snails are more active during the night when the tank lights are switched off.

* Must have calcium ( GH greater than 8d) in the water and a pH greater than 7.0 or the shell will dissolve and the snail will die.

* The condition of its shell shows the history of its life.

* If it is kept at the higher temperature range, it will move around more quickly, but will have a shorter life span of about a year.

* Any copper based medical treatments in the water will kill it.

* Does not like salt.

Good Luck with your snail!!!

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