Thursday, November 24, 2011

What kind of land snail do I have and why did it lay eggs if I only have one?

I found a snail in my backyard in central Indiana. I brought it in the house and have had it for about a year. I have no clue what kind it is. Today I was cleaning the cage and there are about 15-20 eggs. I thought you had to have 2 snails to lay eggs. What should I do with them? I wouldn't mind having more snails. Especially since I have had this one so long and it has only laid eggs once. Does anyone have any clue what kind of snail this is? Some say it's a helix snail. I dunno. Help!|||they are like any other egg laying animal. they do it even with out a male, they are just not fertilized. and i do believe that snail eggs are fertilized after they are layed by the female.|||Most snails are hermaphrodites. This means that they are both male and female. All hermaphroditic snails can lay eggs.

As far as knowing what kind of snail you have we need to see a picture!

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