Friday, December 2, 2011

How do I care for a pet snail?

My dad usually puts snail poision out to protect our plants.. I picked up two snails and made a fairly large sized "home" for them with plants and flowers.. Like I said, there are two of them - they won't be lonely.

What do snails normally eat? Should I just pick some of the plants they've eaten before and put them in their home? Do they need water?|||oh wow im not the only person who likes to have snails as pets. i used to have 2 snails but remeber snails arent just males and females, they are both, so one snail is both male and female so they might end up making babies just to warn you, and the snails are really small when they hatch so be sure they dont run free from small gaps. snails dont need water they only need lettuce, lettuce have heaps of water in it, make sure the lettuce is fresh and leave it in their cage thingo for a couple of days because it dries up and then there isnt much water in it. keep the lettuce wet. get some of the harder parts on the lettuce like the stiffer parts and put it in coz it will stand up a bit it wouldnt just be flat on the bottom, it would make it more fun lol. try n make some nice cozy spots in the lettuce coz they like to sleep in corners. when summer comes its best to let them go free somewhere you know they will be safe because in summer it gets too hot and they could die so they need fresh soil to go nice n deep in to keep cool so winter is the best time to have snails as pets. if there are any other questions about snails you may send me an email to i may have just made myself a new friend coz people think im crazy to have snails as pets and to find someone like you that likes snails too, makes me feel happy lol anyway hope to hear from you and i hope my advice helps.

thanx xoxo_|||a snail for a pet, that's a first..not sure about snails but i have a funny story..i had an outdoor cat some years ago with food set out for it and this slug would get in the bowl to eat the cat food, and i watched it get bigger as time went on..give it a try..good luck|||From one snail rescuer to another..

If you are going to care for your snails, make sure your environment for them is suitable. Check out the spot you took them from, see what they hang around in. Generally, they like damp, darker areas .They feed/scrape off the nutrience from the soil, leaves , etc. Grab a snail book from the library, or go to your local pet store ,they should be able to give you more info. : )

snails rock because they carry their house on their back!|||They love rose petals. Beware they poop like crazy. You can call him escargo.|||put in plenty of the plants there eating and change daily. also spray with a spray bottle 2x a day

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